The Fike , Townsend, Wamhoff, and Forbes Family Histories

Welcome to our family history website. These are the ancestors of John Daniel Fike and Heather Marie Townsend, and two other families linked by marriage.  I have included the ancestors of my son-in-law Daniel Wamhoff, and sister-in-law Sharee Forbes, for the benefit of our siblings, descendants, and extended family.  For the most part you will find our family members going back to the original immigrants to North America.

Because this family history includes thousands of individuals, some who lived before the end of the first millennium and were born in many parts of Europe and North America, it may be difficult to grasp the entire family tree at once. To help navigate the material select a section using the icons on this main age to direct your attention to specific families or special groups of ancestors that you want to learn about.  The top four icons on the left lead to my family, Heather’s family, and the Wamhoff and Forbes families.  The other icons lead to specific groups such as Mayflower passengers or Texas pioneers.

Each family group starts with our grandparents’ generation who were born in the early half of the 20th century.  Each page includes a four-generation family tree at the beginning of the section to help orient the names and places. Within the sections are links to the trees and other sources and material on both and  You can open a free account on both of those websites and view and browse all the names and relationships that we currently know about.  You can view thousands of ancestors and lines of the family, in some cases stretching back to the Middle Ages. There is also a search box in the left sidebar and a link to leave questions or comments on the bottom left. We welcome your input and questions.

We are all indebted to researchers who have assembled and preserved our family history.  Every new discovery and every problem solved was a big thrill for us.  We hope you enjoy meeting our ancestors.